Inkwell Aussies
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Sunebank’s Encore at Inkwell
(Ch. Jade Mist New Sun Rising x Ch. Sunebank Madison Avenue
d.o.b. 4/7/07
CERF clear yearly

This is the little dog of the household but he is all swagger and bluster. He is a young boy, very outgoing and great with people and (most) other dogs. He is, of course, a Shetland Sheepdog.

Encore came from Wendy Mount and Carolyn Vack, of Sunebank and Caerleon Shelties. Encore won his 12-18 sable dog class at the Sheltie Nationals in Greeley Colorado in April, 2008 and currently has 8 points toward his Championship. He is now living in Pennsylvania with the Strowgers as an only dog, a much better situation for him!