Inkwell Aussies

About Inkwell Aussies
Inkwell Australian Shepherds
Aussie Links
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People who know me know I have dogs that I show in conformation and (occasionally and not recently) in obedience. This seems to keep me busy enough but it also prompted my decision to start painting more dogs and selling prints. You can find those prints at the prints link.

I have had Australian Shepherds since 1995 when Bobby came into my life, from Joann Beavers (Elf Lane Farm) in St. Michaels. Since then I have been showing my Aussies in conformation (AKC and ASCA) and in obedience. I am a member of the United States Australian Shepherd Association (USASA) and of the Australian Shepherd Club of America (ASCA). I have been a member of the Blue Ridge Australian Shepherd Club (BRASC), an ASCA affiliate club, for a decade and have served on the Board and currently serve as President of the club.